【同义词辨析】 2020-01-14 骚动commotion-upheaval

commotion: suggests disturbing, sometimes violent, bustle and hubbub: the unexpected dinner guests caused quite a ~.  disturb令人不安implies interference with one's mental processes or emotional balance by worry, perplexity, or fear干扰人的,如the puzzling discrepancy disturbed me这个这个奇怪的差异令我不安)  (bustle奔忙implies a noisy, intrusive, often self-important activity即吵闹的动作,如the hustle and bustle of city life如城市的奔忙,在2018-08-16 慌张stir-fuss组中,表示动作) (hubbub吵闹喧嚣denotes the confusing mixtures of sounds characteristic of the incessant movement of activities and business表示人群奔忙时吵闹的声音,如the hubbub of city streets城市街道的喧嚣,如《away from the hubbub远离尘嚣》是Thomas Hardy托马斯•哈代的小说,””的意思是”大声说话”,””是喧哗吵闹,引申表示放肆跋扈盛气凌人,hubbub在2018-07-25 嘈杂din-clamor组中,表示声音

tumult: suggests a shaking up or stirring up that is accompanied by uproar, din, or great disorder: the town was in a ~ over the war news.  din和uproar在一组2018-07-25 嘈杂din-clamor

turmoil: suggests a state devoid of calm and seething with excitement: a well-ordered life that was suddenly thrown into ~.  seethe充满遍布to be full of,如the resort is seething with tourists all year round这处名胜一年四季游人如织,如he became caught up in a seething mass of arms and legs他被卷进了摩肩接踵的人群,如本例seething with excitement心绪不宁)

upheaval: suggests a violent and forceful thrusting that results in a heaving up or an overthrowing: a nation in need of peace after years of ~.  heave举起提起扔掉起伏to lift or pull with effort,如they heaved their luggage into the car他们把行李扔进车里,如he heaved himself out of bed他用力从床上起来) thrust猛然地推一下

commotion骚动: 指人群不安定喧嚣奔忙,tumult动荡: 表示激起震荡,十分喧嚣混乱,turmoil混乱: 表示不得安宁的生活心理状态,但也可表动荡,upheaval动荡: 指猛推,导致被举起推翻

记忆方法: 1)首字母CTTU想成CUT割掉<==骚动    ""的本意是"马不停地动",形容不安定,如骚动骚扰骚害,说文: “骚,也,也”,引申为举止轻佻自作多情。离骚中骚的意思可能是表示”忧愁”,也许和本意有关

        2)骚动的意思是不安定mean great physical, mental, or emotional excitement.